Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The New Atlantis Connection

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America

Sunday, January 27, 2008

L. Ron Hubbard (the founder of Scientology) exposed by his own words


is the Link.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Secret Society must read piece of information


is the link.

A Video about Christmas

Monday, January 21, 2008

Some old works that I've wrote Years ago

Extra updates

Genetically containments have spread in Australia as reported by the Sydney Morning Herald. Cindy Sheehan is one brave woman. She is protesting George W. Bush for the war inside of Iraq. Bush is responsible for Sheehan's son death, because Bush allowed the troops to be placed inside the country of Iraq. Faulty supplies, the majority of the American people opposing the war, and other problems still reign; yet George W. bush obviously doesn't care.

More bloodshed is a joy for his statements about staying the course. Now, the Bush administration is threatening to charge Cindy for trespassing if she refuses to leave Bush's ranch. Cindy is calling Bush to meet with her and ask him why did Bush allowed her son to die in Baghdad. That is a necessary question that Bush must answer since Iraq wasn't a direct threat to America, there were no massive quantities of WMDS in Iraq, and Americans and Europeans funded Iraq enabling Saddam to kill tons of people decades before the 2003 unjust invasion.

Now, there's a debate about evolution and intelligence design. I believe in schools, there should be a discussion about Evolution's flaws and many proponents of Darwin's theory don't want that to happen. The fact remains that Darwin believed in inferior and superior groups of people and many scientists have used creditible evidence to dissent with Darwinian evidence. To see the complexity of cells, humans, animals, and the rest of the universe; it is very just to subscribe Almighty God as the intelligence that put everything into being.

Some people who promote ID are Diests, so we must be careful not to yolk with unbelievers to justify the flaws of Darwinian Evolution. Also, www.carm.org and www.answersingenesis.org are one of the best sites on the Internet detailing the errrors of Evolution and the facts on God creating the universe in a scientific and logical way. The crime of abortion still goes on. John Roberts, despite the babykilling-supporting, terrorist organization of NARAL, isn't Pro-Life for he viewed Roe V. Wade as settled law and refuses to radically end the murderous practice of killing unborn babies [created in the image of Almighty God].

Border problems still exist in America and now the military is trying harder to use exercises domestically in American soil, which violates Posse Comitatus. Years ago, foreign troops and black helicopters existed before stalking the American people and the Elite want more of it today. This is a pretext to possibly create Martial Law in this country as proven by FEMA documents and other components. I believe in the God-given right of self-defense in physical resistance. Jesus was no pacifism and if the government tries to force you to do something against God's law, you have a moral right and are justified to defend yourself.

Mostly, we should pray to God to repentance and renewal, but we are justified to defend ourselves as well. Having a gun is honorable for anyone, especially adults to resist tyranny. The Second Amendment always allow individual citizens the right to own and use firearms for defense. Even the founders accept the people as the militia to defend our families and country. Even the Bible says that to Obey God rather than men. Let's go and expose shills, fight, think, believe, have faith, and act with the power of Almighty God.

By Timothy

August 10, 2005


Monday, September 19, 2005
Hurricane Katrina

Here's 3 short pieces of prose that I wrote about Hurricane Katrina.

I now see what is happening here. The government including puppets like Chertoff said that they never knew that a hurricane was coming, but this is false. Anyone with an access to a TV realized that the hurricane was temporary a Category 5 before it hit landfall in Louisiana. The government restricted funding to built up the levees in New Orleans. Police have looted as shown from MSNBC. People have been displaced. FEMA cut emergency lines according to the testimony of Aaron Broussard. Regardless if this is a Judgment from God or some weather modification program (which exists today right now and have created storms, hurricanes, and floods for decades. Nikola Tesla perfected this technology in the early 1900's), God allowed it to happen. It's a known fact that the area was filled with gambling, voodoo, withcraft, abortion, etc. The response of the government is now an Ordo Ab Chao thing (have a crisis, reaction, and solution). Some sensitive people in the government may use this as an excuse to expand the power of FEMA to damage people's rights. Steve Watson wrote that FEMA restricted giving aid, food, and supplies to the victims. In one article by Joseph R. Chenelly/Army Times on September 4 2005 treating American citizens as insurgents. Wired News on September 3 2005 had an article written by Xeni Jardin outlined sonic laser weapons sent to the disaster zone. We must be viligant, because the real Elite are using this as an excuse to get rid of our rights, bash arms, etc. Now, all the evidence indicates that regardless if it's God's judgment, Nature, or weather modification technology, the government now are using this tragedy as an excuse to cover up their mistakes and perform even more bad policies to the people period. This isn't conspiracy theory, but fact. We must keep following God's Word, but fight against tyranny at the same time. Not everyone in government are evil, but the evil people in government are using this terrible event, as an excuse to gain more power. Now, people can't own guns, espeically in New Orleans. I hope this isn't a prelude to the rest of America. What we can do is to get right with God, pray, and help the victims by charity and other means.


Yesterday, I keep hearing this new spin in blaming completely the mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of Louisiana. They are only right that both people can do more to help out, but these Neo-Cons from Fox News forgotten that New Orleans was federalized for years. Bush and his team restricted funding to create a better levee system in New Orleans. With the funding, New Orleans could of being better protected. Also, FEMA itself prevented help, food, and other supplies as validated by tons of witnesses including officals in the Gulf Coast region like Broussard. He was crying exposing this, but the media won't discuss elaborately. Barbara Bush yet again is bashing the poor saying that they are better off after the storm than before when people drown and disease are infested in the water with many toxic chemicals. What planet is she from? With a Nazi supporting grandfather of Bush 41, Prescott Bush, and a man who loves population control efforts on people of color like George H. W. Bush, what can you expect from a corrupt family tree. The federal government proved itself incompetent yet again not to mention that warnings about this disaster were sent to them for decades with no radical changes in their disaster response policies. The mayor and the governor had no funding to adequate take care of the whole situation. The only point the Neo-Cons have is about the buses, but they refuse to look at FEMA's and the federal government's terrible response.

As for race, we need to becareful to embrace extremists. One set of extremists want to lie and blame black people totally for all of the looting and rioting occuring placing blacks in general as inferior. The other set of extremists want to blame white people for everything. It's obvious that Bush and his cronies could care less about the poor. They are in the Elite and most of the real Elite consider the poor less than human and "useless eaters." The fact remains, that the government is using this tragedy to gain more rights, bash the Second Amendment, make the military more receptive in civilian life violating the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, and further control the people. Once again, George W. Bush is not a true conservative, but a Neo-Con extremist. The blame by Fox News is sent to the mayor and the governor, while the real blame should be at FEMA and to the federal government.

By TruthSeeker24

September 7, 2005


There's no question that the Katrina aftermath is evil. FEMA and the federal government are to blamed by restricting communications, even blocking the Red Cross, Coast Gaurd, and other aid during the Hurricane. After this, many troops were confiscating firearms from law-abiding citizens in New Orleans. This is a violation of the Second Amendment blatantly and even the NRA have condemned this activity. On TV, I seen the feds forcibly throwing an old woman out from her house. Now, Euthanasia is done by doctors in New Orleans, which is morally wrong. I've thought about Kanye West's comments for a while and I agree with a lot of what he has to say. Many in the media never made a distinction between a few roiting people (some were black) and the majority of black people not being involved in that madness. The Bush family tree is know to have colloborated with the Rockefellers, Harrimans, DuPonts, Fords, etc. for decades (all known for their racist population control and eugenics policies. Many folks in those family aided the Nazis. Prescott Bush was a member of Planned Parenthood, a terrorist, murderous organization) As for George W. Bush not caring for black people, Bush certainly cares for black people that agree with him like Condy Rice and many others. He certainly doesn't agree or could care less about real black interests in general. Take a look at the 2000 election where 58,000 votes were cancelled out in Florida. Greg Palast in his research has proven that and the Bush/bin Laden family connection, so that isn't a conspiracy theory. It is a conspiracy fact indeed. Not all black people or white people are racists and we need to love one another and new, real solutions are needed to solve the continual racial problems in this country. Bush Sr. prides himself as giving money to the UNCF, but most people don't realize that in 1969, George H. W. Bush was on a panel in support of the decrease of the black population when the black population never grew into high levels in the 20th-21st centuries at all. A lot of the cronies involved in that voting theft of 2000 are prominent members of government now like Katherine Harris, Bolton, etc.

The poor are always oppressed and many of the Elite consider them less than humans, but let us never believe in that myth. More should of been done to the poor and black people that we trapped in New Orleans period. The media once called the displaced "refugees" when they were American citizens in the USA. That was of course offensive. The upper class areas didn't recieve as much damage as the poorer areas. Now isn't the time for socialism or communism to help the poor since they never work, but new methods and legitimate activities. Problems aren't just in New Orleans, but in Mississippi, Alabama, etc. so those locations should merit equal concern as it should be given unto New Orleans. It's a shame that wordly men like rapper Kanye West are exposing more government corruption than many Bible-Believing Christians. What's good is that many Bible-believing Christians are exposing evil as well. Let us expose what we know, give aid and charity by money, food, supplies, and any legitimate means, and ask God for help and guidance.

By Timothy


I think that Dr. Henry Makow's article on Egdar Steele was excellent. Far too often, many people use ethnic groups and races as scapegoats for all of society's problems. They don't witness the good contributions of many people. In fact, many black civilizations were created by themselves with advanced technology and education in ancient times like the Nok, Nubia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Mali, Songhai, etc. Edgar Steele's racist commentary on black people's supposedly propensity to violence inside America have been refuted by many scholars including Tim Wise's article entitled "The Color of Deception.”

Many scientists hold that because the physical variations that are used to catagorize people into different races (skin color, eye shape, etc.) are trivial (only .012 percent of human biological variation) and that genetically all humans are fundamentally the same, racial distinctions based upon physical appearance are not founded on biological reality but are in fact a social construct. Professor of Epidemiology Raj Bhopal, who is the head of the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Newcastle, stated in the British Medical Journal: "Humans are one species: races are not biologically distinct, there's little variation in genetic composition between geographically separate groups, and the physical characteristics distinguishing races result from a small number of genes that do not relate closely to either behaviors or disease.”

Any human being, regardless of their skin color and race, have the possibility to get great intellectual intelligence given education and firm effort. For example, many minorities being Phds, lawyers, scholars, doctors, economists, teachers, etc. basically proves my point of many non-white people contributing greatly to society. Not to mention that IQ can increase by social intervention. That's been proven by many studies by scientists, so theoretically any human can increase their mind power. A lot of White Supremacy are funded by the Elite and Tim and Barbara Aho have made connections between Aryanism, British Israelism, and the Elite before. The Bible says that I can do all things through Christ Jesus, so anyone can achieve greatness with the help of Almighty God. That refutes the lie of no chance for anyone to ascend into holiness and greatness. God has the power to help any man to increase his or her intelligence and make anyone meek in their activities in their lives.

It’s bigger than just Jewish people. the Knights of Malta, 1001 Club, Committee of 300, Bilderberg Group, Le Cerle, Order of the Garter, Knights of St. John, and other groups are stronger than the Zionists. The modern Zionist movement was created in the 19th century with help from the Elite. The Zionists are controlled by the Rothschilds in Britian. The Rothschilds are a banking family and are controlled by the Jesuit/high-level Freemasonry/Illuminati network. Even the Rothschilds aren’t the strongest family on Earth for the Merovingian bloodline (according to Fritz are stronger than them).

Many historians have tracked and traced Jewish people from the Sephardim, Ethiopic, Indic, and other people genetically and historically from the ancient Biblical Hebrews now. Yeah, Israel made mistakes, but European powers created Israel as a nation. As for me, I will see the bigger picture that Israel was created by British Freemasonry, the Jesuits, and the Illuminati who have more power than the Jewish people. Let's expose the Masonic Jewish Zionists, but recognize the Torah Jews, Jewish Christians, and other Jews dedicated to fighting against One World Government like Barry Carmish, Jews against Zionism, etc. The ADL was created by the B'nai B'rith Lodge subordinate under the Gentile Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Zionist tenets existed from Apostate Jews from Babylon and Egypt not by themselves.

Gentiles created the occult madness originally, and then the Jews picked it up on a higher level when they apostatized in the Old Testament. We must expose the evil in Israel, but inspire the Jewish people and all people to find true liberty in God. Not to mention that the U.S. and Europe have 100X more sin than Israel will ever have in the 50+ years of its existence. In America in Europe, pornography, gay marriage, hatred of conservative Christian ideals, pedophilia, violence, gun bans, etc. are rampant. I support the good common people in Israel, but not the evil, apostate Israeli government that is corrupt. There's a difference. Edgar Steele in embracing distortion instead of inspiring all people to wake up, expose the New World Order agenda, and better ourselves and each other. That's what we should be doing without HATE.

By Timothy

September 20, 2005


2006, the late part of the Decade

Advancing persistence is my stimuli. Life is progressing swiftly and history will tell some of the new events that will occur in 2006. The immorality of the Iraq War is known, but many Neo Cons like Bohemian Grove and CFR member Newt Gingrich are over exaggerating the so-called “threat” from Iran. The fact is that Iran poses no direct threat to America and Iran’s nuclear program has been exaggerated for years. Even Steve Watson from Infowars.net wrote that the Globalists allowed Iran to built nuclear energy system from American corporations like General Electric and Westinghouse. It’s similar to Iraq where American/European corporate interests and Elite individuals funded our “enemies,” then the Neo Cons yean for invasions of our “enemies.” It’s bigger than the NeoCons, but the Project for a New American Century document mentioned a plot for invading Iraq and even Iran. I also wanted to comment that The United Nations is antithetical to real Patriots. Kofi Annan, a black Ghanaian man, who married a Rothschild heiress, is the Secretary General of it. The U.N. is just disgraceful. On a March 13, 2005 Washington Post article, U.N. officials, internal U.N. documents, etc. presented evidence of sexual abuse by U.N. members. Even some U.N. officials admitted to this. The U.N. had been caught in sex rings and did nothing to deal with the atrocities of Rwanda, Sudan, Congo, etc. during the 1990’s as well. Many of their policies like Agenda 21, the U.N.’s Convention on Biodiversity Report, etc. promote stealing private property and controlling land. Their green environment movement (as opposed to people wanting alternative energy to occur now) isn’t really about cleaning up the environment, but gaining private property and having a global government. Recently, Kofi Annan had a meeting in Tunis from November 16-18 to propose that the United Nations must control the Internet. We must fight against that plot to see freedom in the Net, not censorship. The situation with Live 8 in 2005 was that it had its problems. There's tons of proof of their promotions of depopulation, abortion, and sterilization as well.

Though many people desired that the G8 nations to help the Third World by canceling their deal to deal with AIDS and HIV, large, global corporations benefited from the Live8 concerts like AOL Time Warner, the Ford Motor Company, Nokio, Volvo, Britain’s EMI Music Group, etc. The singer Bono (from U2) and Bob Geldorf (who praised the Devil during the Live Aid concert in 1985 to try to stop famine inside Africa as proven by John Daniel’s Scarlet and the Beast book), and other musical celebrities were apart of Live 8. It’s typical that pop stars promote this, so the young culture can be given a false impression of real change being enacted in the world. While I disagree with Fintan Dunne on many issues, he’s right to expose Live8 as a psyop. According to him, the majority of the aid goes back to donor countries like France. The aid left is sent to the leadership of African government (many of them are corrupt) with no immediate benefits to the suffering people. Not to mention that some of the money will be going to the World Bank, headed by Neo Con Paul Wolfowitz. While this happens, big pharmaceutical companies will supply African with finite drugs in dealing with AIDS (a contrived disease. Even a man said in 1969 that a disease similar to AIDS would be developed artificially to Congress). Big Pharma benefits from the Live8 psy-op show, but we can continue to promote alternative medicine like Ozone, Hydrogen peroxide, blood electrification, etc. to help people in the U.S.A., Africa, Europe, etc. We need to sympathize and love all people with this disease for this is moral and just. It goes into people, irrespective your background, so we must have no unfair ignorance about AIDS and HIV as well.

I still hate abortion and unfortunately, New York City is the abortion capital of the world. This was reported by Steven Erfelt from LifeNews.com. It’s so bad in NYC that according to Steven, New York City has the highest abortion rates in America, 400 abortions are done per year, NYC right to Life party lost election, and have no website anymore. Tons of Republicans in New York State support murdering unborn children like NYC mayor Bloomberg and New York Governor Pataki. We need to join real Pro-Life groups if we can to protest and let our voices to be heard. Recently, this pro-death nut named Dr. Peter Singer showed his religious bigotry by saying that Princeton Bioethicist says only “Know-Nothing Religious Fundamentalists” will Value Human Life by 2040. Lifesite.net reported this information. The right of self defense is exemplified by the Second Amendment. Gunfacts.org is one of the best sites in promoting gun rights. The Founding Fathers uniformly accepted the idea that the militia was the people and gun rights are part of individual rights. Unfortunately, San Francisco banned the ownership of a handgun from law abiding citizens recently. Some good news is that the Brazilians revoked a gun ban proposal. There are similarities and parallels between the Nazi Third Reich and what’s happening in the Twenty-first century. The Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Freemasons, and other groups blatantly aided Hitler’s regime.

The following will prove it. Scholars like Avro Manhattan, Eric Jon Phelps, etc. documented this for years. Jesuit priest Bernhard Staempfle helped Hitler write Mein Kampf proven by author Edmond Paris and Otto Strasser. Strasser was one of the founders of the Nazi Party. Even Hitler said that he modeled the SS after the Jesuit Order. Hitler signed Concordant with Vatican Cardinal Pacelli in 1933 with the help of Knight of Malta Franz von Papen. Even Knight of Malta Joseph Kennedy supported Hitler and was a real anti-Semite. Hitler was never excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church at all. The canon to Munich Archbishop Michael von Faulhaber was Wilhelm August Patin. Patin was a Dominican priest, S.S. officer, and Himmler’s cousin. SS General Baron Frederick von Eberstein admitted on questioning at Nuremberg that Archbishops Michael von Faulhaber and Brunswick were high ranking officers in Himmler’s S.S. Heinrich Himmler’s uncle was a Bavarian Catholic priest. The Jesuit confessor Tacchi Venturi influenced Italy’s dictator Benito Mussolini to outlaw Protestantism in Italy, deported Jews to Auschwitz, and gave military aid to Saudi Arabia’s King Ibn Saud in 1932. The Vatican’s Jesuits allowed Roman Catholic Franco to come to power in Spain from stopping Spain in becoming a Republic. There has always been a Nazi/Vatican nexus during WWII. For example, Hitler is pictured with Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo, the papal nuncio in Berlin in 1935, Hitler greeted Müller the "Bishop of the Reich" and Abbot Schachleitner, the Catholic Ustasha murdered Serbs and Jews, and many of the Nazis were baptized Roman Catholics. While, we condemn any persecution of the Freemasons by the evil Nazis (many of the Nazis condemned Freemasonry as evil, which was true as said by Rudolf Hess, etc.), High-level Freemasonry worked with the Nazis as well. The following will prove that there was Masonic involvement in the Axis Powers. For example, the head of IBM in the 1940’s was 33rd Degree Freemason he’s a member of the Bohemian Grove just like his son, Thomas Watson Jr.) was the man who headed IBM in America and Germany in the 1940’s who worked with the Nazis. Watson used IBM to develop the punch and system for the Nazis to census Jews in Europe. Edwin Black is a scholar who proved that IBM used its computer tracking system to track Jewish people and others to catalog and exterminate at Auschwitz.

Freemason Hjalmar Schacht was a Freemason who headed Hitler’s Reichsbank and was Hitler’s Minister of Economics. He was acquitted at Nuremberg. 32nd degree Freemason Robert H. Jackson was the U.S. prosecution in the Nuremberg trials as well. British Royalty supported the Nazis as well. Edward VIII was crowned King and Grand Master of English Freemasonry on January 20, 1936. As for Franklin Delano Roosevelt, James Northstar said it best that he received communication from the Japanese of warnings about Japan terminating their negotiations and their fleet in the ocean. Other authors document 32nd Degree Freemason Roosevelt’s foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor during December 7, 1941 treasonously allowed almost 3,000 people to die in Hawaii. Why did FDR do it? It’s because he wanted to establish a new order in the world. One of my teachers admitted that FDR wanted more cooperation with Russia and even China before WWII ended to create a global order of cooperation among nations. While FDR supposedly promoted “freedom,” he allowed innocent Japanese people to come into Internment camps. Not only was Hugo Black a Freemason during FDR’s time, he was an ex-member of the Ku Klux Klan. Even Earl Warren was an ex-member of the Klan (proven by new FBI documents and the Impious Digest.org site) The Mason connection in America didn’t end with FDR. Two other famous 32nd Degree Freemason in FDR’s cabinet was Vice President Henry C. Wallace and W. Frank Knox, who was the Secretary of Navy. Even Douglas McArthur was a 33rd Degree Freemason. 33rd Degree Freemason Henry C. Clausen was one of the judges who investigated the Pearl Harbor disaster and many people legitimately dispute what he presented as final evidence. According to Hannah Newman’s “The Rainbow Swastika” and Freemasonry Watch.org, Hitler in his 1942 law banned all secret societies, except for the Old Prussian Lodges since they barred Jews and were extremists. Freemasonry Watch.org said that the Old Prussian “regular” National Lodges had offices of Nazi party members, officers of high command, captains of industry, royalty, etc. Hitler loved Prussian King Frederick the Great and Frederick was the famous Freemason of Germany during the 1700’s. Many Zionists worked with the Nazis as well like Rudolf Kastner. This information has been written about by Rabbi Moshe Shonfield, Lenni Brenner’s book “Zionism in the Age of Dictators," Dr. Henry Makow, and other authors. Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin el-Husseini and other Muslim radicals worked with the Nazis as well.

What's happening today. Today, IBM is one of the biggest supporters of the Big Brother RFID system. The Presidency is headed by George W. Bush, a member of Skulls and Bones. The head of the CIA is Bonesman Porter Goss and the CIA has been caught in assassinations, drug smuggling (proven by Barry Seal, Maxine Waters, and other researchers). The war on terror is funded by the Carlyle Group head by Knight of Malta Frank Carlucci. The previous President was Rhodes Scholar, DeMolay Freemason, and Bilderberger participant William Jefferson Clinton. I’m not captivated by his slick talk; because he not only supports the immoral war in Iraq, but rumors are going around that he might be a new Secretary General of the United Nations. Many people in the Bush administration like Condoleezza Rice are members of the Council on Foreign Relations (dedicated to ending American sovereignty and manipulating U.S. foreign policies into their ends). Condy Rice recently had to bad track about rendition, which is about the U.S. government sending suspected terrorists to foreign nations for interrogations. There has been evidence of torture occurring with rendition as well. One of the most deceptive men was Richard Cheney, a man who is a member of the Bohemian Grove and a June 1, 2005 memo gave his the power to control intercepts during 9/11. While I agree with Rick Sanctorum on some issues, he is not only a member of the Knights of Malta (headed by Bertie), but her wife and Phyllis Schaffly (part of the establishment “Christian” circles that won’t heavily expose Bush and are very ecumenical) are Dames of Malta.

The 9/11 Commission was a complete scam, because they omitted key information like W1991, drills and war games during 9/11, the obvious demolition of Building #7, warning from other nations describing an attack, the PNAC document mentioning a “Pearl-harbor like” event, evidence that the Twin Towers were exploded by a controlled demolition, and other smoking guns proving that 9/11 was an inside job. It’s interesting to note that many members of the Commission are members of the CFR and Lee Hamilton is a Freemason. There is also other news on other issues like Big Brother. There London Telegraph on December 7 2005 by Nigel Bunyan wrote that security officers in Liverpool, England used a security CCTV camera to watch a naked woman taking a bath. The Toronto Star on December 7, 2005 reported that Canada is the first country to use a fingerprint and iris scan for its airport employees. The whole program will cost $10 million. The woman sent the perverts into court. Some good news in the vaccine issue is that Ohio is the first state to ban the use of preservatives in childhood vaccines. The Da Vinci Code is one of the many deceptions plaguing both Christians and non-Christians alike. The book was written by Dan Brown and it had so many errors that some individuals have speculated that Dan Brown intentionally added inaccurate information to have a more stunning effect among the populace. It’s very popular with over 7 million copies in print at 2005.

Its main lies are that early Christians didn’t believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ, the resurrection never happened, Emperor Constantine created the Bible canon, and early Christians worshipped the “divine feminine” (or the Goddess). The truth is the Peshitta, Old Latin, and other canons existed before Constantine. The NT and early church leaders are quoted as believing the resurrection and Christ’s Deity like Hippolytus, Iranaeus, Justin Martyr, etc. God, throughout the Bible is referred to a He not She. It promotes the lie that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalen and that secret is guarded by the Pierre de Sion Secret Society. Dan Brown based his “conclusions” on the Gnostic Gospel which downplay Jesus’ Deity and believes that Jesus had relations with Mary Magdalene. Many of the Gnostic Gospels are so inaccurate and off the wall that the early church rejected them outright. Two Movies bashing Christianity coming in 2006 are about the Da Vinci Code the Beast movie (claiming that Jesus never existed) ironically on June 6, 2006. Many Christians like Berit Kjos reported on this Gnostic trend in movies like the Matrix and book promoted and loved by the “world.” This is the essence of the New Age subscribing to the beliefs of moral relativism, man can be a god, compromise your core tenets, there is no absolute truth, etc. Many Christians even lost their faith over this deceit. Why do I oppose the Kabbalah? I oppose it for many reasons. Regardless if there are many facets to it, it adds unscriptural doctrines to the Bible, which is unnecessary. It promotes the idea of the occult and mysticism, which I’m totally against. We are to be straightforward, not hiding our teaching from the masses. It denies that God directly created the universe, but his “emanations” did. That is very similar to Gnosticism. It never holds to the inspiration of Scripture, but distorts it to support its conclusions of the Sepirotoric Tree of life, etc. Many of the world’s people” promote it like Madonna, who is not only pro-New Age, but promotes rebellion against morality and lesbianism.

It promotes hidden “info” and according to researchers occult groups like Freemasonry, the O.T.O, Rosicrucians, etc. incorporate its percepts into its groups. As for John Lennon, he was a brainwashed soul until he died. He not only promoted drug use, was into the New Age, but even before he died he participated in a ritual to sell his and his wife Oko’s soul to the devil in 1980. Before he died, he said “do what thou whilst,” which is a phrase said by Aliester Crowley to do what you want as long as anyone isn’t hurt. This is proven by the Sell your soul to Rock and Roll DVD that I saw. In fact, the murderer of Lennon was a Satan worshipper as proven by the DVD. That DVD changed my whole perspective since it has documentation after documentation of the truth. As for the movie, “National Treasure” stands out. The reason was that it talks about Freemasonry in favorable light. National Treasure” is a movie that delves into Freemasonry’s influence in the creation of the Declaration of Independence and America. The cover of the DVD has the pyramid, all Seeing Eye, and Nicholas Cage in a stance similar to a triangle, which are all occultic. The DVD that I skimmed through had so many blatant symbolisms into it, that I couldn’t believe it. The movie was produced by Disney. We all know that Disney was a DeMolay like Bill Clinton. The movie claims that the Knights Templar created the Freemasons. Many Masons deny any link to the Knights Templar, but a lot of the occult symbolisms in Freemasonry are similar to Egypt and other Mystery Religions of the ancient times. John J. Robinson’s book of “Born of Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry” believes that the Freemasonry/Knights Templar connection is very real. Nicholas Cage plays Benjamin Franklin Gates, Jon Voight plays Patrick Henry Gates, Diane Kruger (plays Dr. Abigail Chase, head of the Preservation Department of the National Archive) is Benjamin Gates’ love interest in the film, and other characters abound.

Obviously, many occult symbols are in the film. One is the triquetra [the symbol you’re seeing above], used by New Agers, Wiccans, and other pagans. It means reincarnation, witchcraft, and involved spiritualism according to Dr. Cathy Burns. Even the NKJV’s logo, World Future Society, and the Trilateral Commission’s logos are the triquetra. This movie is brainwashing folks to call Freemasonry legitimate and in the movie, the main actors and actresses unite with a Mason in a church. My responses to Freemasonry have always been that Jesus Christ is the only cornerstone and Christians make up a spiritual house. (1 Peter 2:5-6, 1 Corinthians 3:9-23, 1 Ephesians 2:20), you can’t merge your brotherhood or alliance with those of false monotheistic religions or an infidel. (2 Corinthians 6:15-16), We ought to not worship other gods whatsoever (Exodus 20:3, Deuteronomy 5:7), occult symbolism is not appropriate for us to use, you can’t swear death oaths, JAHBULON is a pagan demonic deity (found in the Royal Arch Rite of Freemasonry), and Freemasonry is called a Religion by Albert Pike, Albert Mackey, J. S. Ward, and others.

December 8, 2005

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Later 2007 (Another work I've created that was done late in 2007)

Late 2007

I'm back. The year is almost over. This year was so much more crazier than 2006 on so many different levels. One 2008, I will show a new expose much better than this one. It might be the best one that I've created. It shows tons of sources, real history, and other interesting information. The Presidental race is heating up with the impeding Iowa primary for the parties in early January 2008. Hillary Clinton, Obama, Edwards, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Huckabee and others are famous names in the race. The establishment certainly wants a pro-big government type like a Rudy or a Hillary in office (since both are pro-gun control, pro-abortion, pro-war on terrorism, and for the Patriot Act). A Bush and a Clinton has been in the White HOuse now for over 20 years. That shows a real Bush/Clinton dynasty which can be stopped by voters. There has been a stronger, more active group of individuals asking criminals and globalists about their views on the new world order, 911, and other issues. Scandal after scandal plague the world. Unfortunately, shootings and crazed individuals acted inappropratedely. In the near future, I'm going to write more information. It's funny that there are those who are trying to go after certain people for their beliefs and omit certain information. I don't omit a thing. I expose all evil. Public Citizen from December 7, 2007 wrote about how Bush wants more NAFTA trucks to go into America. George W. Bush said it was part of a "pilot program." Truthfully, NAFTA caused many American jobs to be transfered overseas. Mexico's economy is still stagnant and if NAFTA benefited so much for Mexico, why hasn't illegal immigration from Mexico into American radically gone down? Many illegal immigrants don't want assilimation or even speak English as a primary language. We are definitely more balkanized. The good news is that we have time to stop illegal immigration and promote legal immigration instead. This doesn't mean that all illegal immigrants are hardcore criminals, but we have to promote doing the right thing. It's hypocritical for those who want open borders, but they want checkpoints, face scanning devices,etc. in schools airports, and across the nation. The truth is that NAFTA was a foundation for the SPP or the Security Prosperity Parternship plan organized for years. The CFR is in full support of this globalization deal. It seems like the White House has been descredited on many issues. One prime example is on Iran. Iran as a NIE made manifest stopped its nuclear program as of 2003. Despite other Middle Eastern and Asian nations having numerous nuclear weapons, many Neo-Cons are still pumping the drumbeats for a war in Iran. This is wild, but the reality of the situation.

Iran is no direct threat to America, so we shouldn't have a preemptive strike against that nation. What's also accurate is that the West supplied Iran with weapons and nuclear weapons. The Neo cons yell that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the new "Hitler," but he isn't. He may be a radical, but he is no where similar to Hitler who followed the occult and lead his armies to illegally fight multiple countries. Some obsess with terrorism (The Knights of Malta have a role in it. For example, SMOM Schmitz is head of the Blackwater private company that was exposed in scandals in Iraq) without understanding how Osama was funded by the CIA and the ISI for decades. Even young Afghan children admitted to this fact on ABC. The following is accurate information. Globalism is still a pure threat in the globe. The UK Daily Mail from Thursday at December 13, 2007 reported on Britian Prime Minister Gordon Brown signing an EU Treaty. It was very unpopular among the citizenry in the UK. Yesterday, some scream " referendum!" in wanting a referndum to decide their future without a secret EU Treaty signing ceremony. The treaty gives new rights to EU leaders to overturn decisions made by Britain's Immigration and Asylum Tribunal. In other words, it could lead the EU (whose headquarters is in Brussels) control the immigration procedures of the UK. The European Union is trying to expand, but it's nothing more than a global arm of the new world order violating national sovereignity. It's bigger than wanting a new world order. Books and documents like the NSSM 200 outline world leaders wanting depopulation, especially of the Third World. These ideas of eugenics originated for a long time like the literature of Thomas Malthus and Francis Galton. That's why many founders of Planned Parenthood, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the environmental movement are eugenicists. They view humans as the problem to be executed if necessary as a solution. IT's about controlling human beings. This goes back from ancient Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc. They built empire in trying to rule as much land as possible. The standard of eugenicists and population control advocates isn't my kind of standards. The elite try to damage society using big government and big corporations. The future will be special. I believe that in the end, good will prevail and God's Kingdom will win against all evil. I'm not done yet. In 2008, there will be more work yet to be created.

The Golden Compass

A lot of the mainstream media classify this film as normal and benign. I see that lying propaganda shown especially from CNN that the Golden Compass is no threat to Christianity. They cite religious leaders as proof. It's kind of funny that they use religious leaders to justify their position when they margalize conservative religious leaders for decades as extremist and "intolerant." Frankily, certain intolerance is good. I'm intolerant of evil, I'm intolerant of abortion, and I'm intolerant of hatred. I don't trust the mainstream media. It's controlled by a few hands via the CFR. The truth is that the media won't report on certain issues like the government dumping nerve gas in our oceans, the new world order, the dangerous side effects from abortion, the Vatican (not all Catholics, but the heirachy)'s role in the Ustashi Holocaust plus creating the Nazi Third Reich, and the suppression of civil liberties (whether from militarized VIPER teams and random searches to religious liberty problems). Now, what's the reality?

This is part of an anti-Christianity agenda that intensified over the course of 10 years. Philip Pullman created a three part series ironically called His Dark Materials. The First one is called the Golden Compass. It's a movie know and sold over $20 million in its first week. Pullman is upfront and blatant on his anti-Christ, anti-God views. Pullman took inspiration from Paradise Lost work created by Milton about fallen angels condemned into Hell. Pullman's works praise devils as the good guys and view God as wicked and a control freak. His book is similar to Gnosticism since Gnosticism teaches that the Creator God is the enemy, while Satan is God. This is also classified as a inverted hermeutic. Pullman uses fantasy to try to influence the young to accept his dark opinions. He said point blank: "..."I'm trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief" (Wartofsky, Alona: 'The Last Word' in The Washington Post, 19 February 2001) Pullman's book series call Christians as similar to child molesters and perverts. In his book series he pictures the Church as cutting girls up. Now, this is the new generation of overt Christian hating atheists like Pullman. Pullman admits this is how he personally believes since he said that his view of Christians is pure realism. On major character is Lord Asriel. Asriel is similar to Azazel, which is the name in the occult that related to the rebel angel. Azazel is Hebrew for scapegoat. Pullman nicknames Lyra's demon, Pan. Pan has long been a depiction of the devil in occult teaching. Satanist, Aleister Crowley, arranged to have his satanic poem, The Pipes of Pan, read at his funeral and Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, lists Pan as another name for Satan under the "Infernal Names" in his Satanic Bible. For an atheist, he sure loves to use Satanic imagery. This hypocrite liar Pullman says he's an atheist, but admitted that: "... the, Telegraph, "I am of the Devil's party and know it." (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/arts/main.jhtml?xml=/arts/2002/01/29/bopull27.xml) Pullman publiclly said that he wants to "kill God" which is impossible to do. Pullman recieved awards from his book. What's even more sinister about his devious intensions is that he tries to market his vile to young children in his attempt to subvert the West against legitimate Judeo-Christian values. His deception is similar to Harry Potter in the promotion of anti-God values. Yet, Pullman's series is so overt that you have to be ignorant to deny its anti-God agenda. It's worse than Harry Potter since that book series is so in your face Few Christians are exposing these series praising demons, hating God, and promoting witchcraft. Part of the reason is cowardice. Some of these cowards don't want to be called a bigot when the other side call them a bigot 24/7 365. I don't care if I'm called a bigot for my belief system. Could the other reason be the time of lack of discernment among many Bible believers? I think so. We need to reject those to mock good. Also, we need to reject those who make no distinction between good and evil: "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter" (Isaiah 5:20). That's why many Masons, many secularists, and secret societies want religious expression eliminated from the government square. I believe in Jesus Christ's advice on real freedom: ".... 'If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:31-36

Anti-New World Order Info

There are numerous shooting this month. One occured by Richard Hawkins in Omaha, Nebraska. Also, another occured in Colorado by a person against a Christian Church. That Church relates to Youth Mission. One woman (named Jeanne Assam) had one gun and murdered the murderer, which saved many lives since Hawkins had hundreds of rounds of ammo. The woman is a hero and a clear example that gun rights can save lives. Gun rights have been under threat even today. The BATF have acted militaristically against citizens and even the NRA (not all of their members, but their leadership) want gun control laws like microchips in gun bullets. The GAO has been pro-gun rights. I don't trust hypocrites like Sarah Brady wanting gun bans, but owning guns. Rosie O'Donnell says he wants gun control but have a bodygaurd with a gun. Many say degatory things about them. Regardless of what their alliegance is, they don't deserve to be assualted and some of them murdered. So much times have passed so quickly. In Switzerland, folks banned ammunition. This is a slick news tactic that gun control activists use in suppressing the right to bear arms. The reality is that a fundamental flaw in gun control is that it seems to have no basic extent since new laws are proposed all of the time. If there is no basic extent, how can you refuse that the true intent by the procedure is to ban the right to own a gun. The internationalists want to harmonize gun laws depriving everyone of their gun rights. Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien was interviewed by truthers in Ottowa plus Toronoto about 911Truth and the North American Union. He said that he hadn't watch "Loose Change." The real issue is that he pushed at a peaceful questioner and he denied a North American Union agenda (which is contrary to speeches, documents, words from folks own mouth advocating North American integration and a continental currency). I wouldn't trust Jean since he was even in the Bilderberg Group from 1996. One truther told him that a worldwide movement disutes the offical myth about 911. The real truth will never be suppressed.

Kurt Nimmo from the TruthNews at December 10, 2007 (I don't agree with Kurt Nimmo on every issue) reported on Al Gore's slick life. He lectures globally on the immediate threat of global warming, but his home in Tennessee talks up a large portion of the energy grid in his region. Also, Gore's family benefited from oil profits. The mainstream environmental movement have been co-opted by big global Foundations, the UN, etc. in order to promote population control and land control so independent solutions by individuals won't be effectively created. Eugenics is nothing new and it continues presently. Tamara McLean from the AAP on Monday at December 10, 2007 reported on a proposed one child policy in Australia (The proposal was made by Professor Barry Walters at the King Edward Memorial Hospital in Perth). In other words, they want to fine those who have more than one child. The report in an Australian medical journal called for parents to be charged $5000 a head for every child after their second, and an annual tax of up to $800. They want to achieve this in their sick minds in attempting to control the output of greenhouse gases. They view extra babies have having a carbon burden in society. This is wild since carbon is a life producing chemical that can build better trees and trees can increase oxygen in the air. That's why I don't accept abortion. The truth is the true industralization and modernalization of technology will level populations and will improve the Third World. Even some environmentalists now have exposed the overpopulation lie (which is promoted by big Foundations and the big banks that funded the creation of the United Nations). The environmentalists rarely mention this or how we must expose rainforest damage, toxic waste, chimeras, and other real environmental issues. There is a story of a Pro-life man being assualted by a club by a crazed man (saying I beat your head in. He might be a business man) in a Hillary Clinton rally. The protestor's name is Dan Holman of Missionaries to the Pre-Born. Many liberals (not all) are hypocrites if they want to deny Pro-life people the right to protest. Abortion is the destruction of innocent unborn life. Babies have been sold. It destroys life limb from limb. So, it's a destructive, evil act. The good news is that Americans are more Pro-Life than 15 years ago. The young generation is very Pro-Life more so than the Boomer Generation. Tim Tebow found out that he was in risk of being aborted, but his mother resisted. That was good. The abortion agenda isn't just national. It's an international agenda related to population control. That's why UNICEF is in favor of abortion despite gender imbalances (i.e. more men than women or vice versa) at China and India. This occured to anti-war protesters, etc. Free speech is under threat globally not just in America. Lately, Mike Huckabee has been criticized for a lot of issues. Some of the criticism is legitimate like his views on torture, immigration, on Iraq, locking all folks with AIDS (which I don't agree with), and other things. He's been called a fascist. A fascist is a person who wants the state to control every aspect of people's lives. Some say it because of his religious beliefs, but all real conservative Christians reject the tenets of fascism. I don't believe Huckabee is a fascist, but a deluded man who's wrong on many issues. Real fascists are those killing my people off in Sudan. Real fascists are those suppressing liberty of religious conservatives and pro-life protestors. In New York City, the government there want to install thousands of cameras across that city. They also want that to be part of the TALON database. That in NYC want to be similar to London where it's heavily survielled. The reality is that this is Big Brother overload and violates citizens' civil liberties. Genisys, Genoa and Genoa II, HumanID, and other expensive research projects are really here monitoring America. Some want transhumanism which is about merging biometrics with human beings to achieve a better "human being."

The Truth About Christmas

This holiday is interesting. It's been celebrated for many centuries. The following is a non-PC reality check on this day. In today's world, this time of the year have been extremely commeralized. Not all day gone by when you see witness commerials about the materalism of objects. Christmas comes after The feast of the Immaculate Conception, celebrated on December 8. Historically, there is no scripture view requiring us to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. I never saw it. In the ancient times, faux Christians like closet sun worshipper Roman Emperor Constantine merged paganism with Christianity to appeal to a wider audience. Additionally, there is no consensus on when Jesus Christ was born on the Earth. Also, he done it to cloak his apostate belief system. Christmas actually came from the Mystery Religion in the worship of the sun and pagan dieties. Later, Romanism assigned it to December 25 near the day called Saturanalia (Saturn was worshipped by the ancients as well). Who is Saturn: "...In the new Americanized Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1900, Vol. IX, page 5236, we read . . .

"Saturn. -- An ancient Italian god . . . Saturnalias, this is the great 'Festival of Saturn,' celebrated on the 19th, but after Caesar's reform of the calendar, the 17th of December. Augustus decreed that the 17th and the 18th should be sacred to Saturn and the 19th and 20th to Opalia the festivals of Ops. Caligula added a fifth day, 'The Day of Youth,' December 25th lasting seven days. The time was one of general joy and mirth. The woolen fetters were taken from the feet of Saturn and each man offered a pig. During the festival schools were closed..."

December 25th is classified additionally as Natalis invicti solis, or "birthday of the invincible [unconquerable] sun." Christmas is a time when people obsess with gift giving. Money and commeralization have been apart of this time. Therefore, Saturnalia is a day near Christmass. The Saturn god was worshipped by the ancients. Yet, all isn't even in December. December is the beginning of the Winter Season. It's the time when I was born. A lot of people concentrate on the connections with their own families. Christmas refers to the mass. Now, in the book of Hebrews, it condemn repeat sacrifice of Christ sole sacrifice on the cross. The mass is not mentioned in the Bible, but communion is to represent and remember Christ not to worship objects as Christ.

Many aspects of Christmas are related to paganism. Christmas's meaning is Christ's mass. As we know, the Bible is clear that Jesus' sacrifice was once and for all never to be repeated (found in Heb. 9:26). It's wierd that the Bible has verses relevant today. As for trees, Jeremiah wrote that: "..."For the customs of the peoples are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest. the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are up-right as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne. because they cannot go" (Jer. 10:3, 4, 5). It isn't just a tree. Mistle toe, Santa Claus, etc. have pagan or occult origins. What should we do then. We should treat December 25 as any other day. We have a right to worship and praise God (Jesus Christ) on December 25, but we have a right to not make Christ-Mass part of the equation. Forget the corrupt Christ-Mass. This doesn't mean we relinquish our religious rights on December 25. We can still have fun, pray to God, and celebrate on December 25, but we treat it as every other day without the paganism and the mass.

Popular Culture Again in 2007

Popular culture is a part of mainstream society. Over the course of years, Patriots, righteous human beings, and other discovered and exposed how the Elite stir popular culture to change society. For example, Big Corporations fund major musicians from Elvis and the Beatles to Rihanna and Jay Z. A lot of folks on the Internet talk about symbols that musicians use as prove of them being Masons or occultists. What's my opinion? Many in the hip hop culture obsess with clothes rather trying to be more moral irrespective of what you wear. Also, the "holy" hip hop is trying to copy the hip hop culture compromising their own principles. I don't agree with tattoos and peircing (which are contrary to the Bible). The Holy Hip Hop croud is nothing God-given, but trying to be of the world to gain acceptance (some of them look down on suit wearing). In fact, Jesus Christ was poor and was rejected by most men when he walked the Earth. We shouldn't judge by people's appearances, but by people's fruits. My opinion is that we have tons of evidence that many musicians are occultists or use occult symbolism like Lep Zeppelin, the Beatles (they praised Satanist Aliester Crowley. Even Sting respect this pervert, human sacrifice promoter, and British Intelligence agent Crowley. The essence of Satanism is the view of man seeking to be God, it isn't just worshipping Satan), Prince, Russell Simmons (who have an image of Kali, the Goddess of death found in ancient India in his home. He named a product Altman represting false gods of India again), D'Angelo (he went to Haiti to perform a voodo ceremony to promote his music Album), Elvis (he was a Theosophist and read Madame Blavatsky's book called the Voice. Elvis was a big hypocrite signing Gospel songs, yet privately having disdain for conservative Christianity. Elvis believed that any human can be a Son of God which is blasphemous. I have his quotes saying it), Michael Jackson, Jennifer Lopez (she pays thousands of dollars to a witchdoctor. Her father is a Scientologist, so this is spiritual confusion. Scientology believes that aliens created humans on Earth millions of years ago), and others. There's other things about Lopez. Her ex-husband, Ojani Noa, , accused Jennifer Lopez of following the Santeria witchcraft like religion. Noa said that she used voodoo spells to make men fall in love with her from Sean Combs, Ben Affleck Chris, to Mark Anthony. That sort of thing is coming from the Bronx and NYC (where she's from). These accusations could be true or false. What's true is that She follows a spiritual advisor and was raised Roman Catholic. Even Denzel Washington admitted challenging the "spirits" to make better roles possible, yet he calls himself a dedicated Christian. I've seen him on video and on 60 Minutes plus Oprah admitted to this, so this isn't a lie. Although, I don't accept paranoia since not everyone wearing occult symbols on their shirt is a Devil worshipper. Many who wear these images are ignorant of what's going on. Some aren't. Jay Z may be not ignorant of what's going on since he constantly use the Roc a Wear hand sign. What is that sign? That sign existed from Witchcraft. That hand signal is used by witches as the "triangle of manifestation" or the "witches' pyramid." According to witchess, this manifestation principle is about controlling your own reality and manifesting something in the physical plane (according to the Book of Shadows). I don't know if Jay Z (who's real name is Sean Carter) is a Freemason, but I wouldn't be suprised since he constantly admonish people to not judge others (a key Masonic principle of universalism. Jay Z denies worshipping the Devil. Jay Z said he believes in God, but rejects organized religion). I don't believe Jay Z is a Devil worshipper unless conclusive evidence is shown. I do believe Jay Z is wrong for embracing occult symbolism. He even use the Roc sign with his eye in the middle of it similar to the "All Seeing Eye" of Horus found in Masonry. The "R" in the Roc-a-wear logo looks very similar to the constellation of Virgo. Rappers are talking about 'Annuit Coeptis" which comes from the Roman poem writing by Virgil. It means God has prospered our endeavor. This plan was modernized by Sir Francis Bacon, a Rosicurcian into trying to create one North American commenwealth in the late 1500's. I don't blame music for everything under sun neither do I believe every music artist is an occultist. Yet, certain music ought to be exposed and condemned. I do respect those who try to find new symbolism in exposing wicked artists in music.

Certainly, many artists don't know what they're getting into into accepting relativism and embracing Masonic/occult themes. Some of these musicians and actors follow Kabballah and witchcraft. What is Freemasonry? Freemasonry is a Secret Society that accepts the principles of Generation (or masculine and feminine principles uniting to form natural principles) and other concepts to embrace Universal Theism mixed with occult principles. That's why they have death oaths and their own literature sympthatize with Osiris, Isis, etc. Masons justify these acts by saying these things represent honor, justice, or other qualities of humanity. Yet, mixing evil in an attempt to try to achieve "good" is still doing evil. You don't mix good and evil anyway. Modern Masonry existed since 1717 at England. The Masons killed William Morgan, organized violent Revolutions, and still maintain certain secrecy on some of their ideas. Freemasonry is sinister, evil, and wicked by its secrecy masking its pagan, death oath influences (Low level members are decieved on all what Masonry is about admitted by 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike. There are higher degrees of Masonry than the 33 found mainly in Europe. Even Jesus forbid death oaths found in Freemasonry in the book of Matthew). Many US Presidents are members like Ronald Reagan, Lyndon Johnson, FDR, and Theodore Roosevelt.

I notice some movies talking about Big Brother, an Apocyaplse, other similar concepts like "Hitman" and "I am Legend." The Hitman film has a man working for the CIA killing people with a biometric scan tatoo or barcode on the back of his head. The film is filled with sex and violence. Ironically, the film ends in an Orthodox Church then with CIA agents. How blatant can you get. The film talks about the development of the European Union and a terrorist attack in Eastern Europe. What's the lesson. The lesson is we to keep our gaurd up, reject occult nonesense, expose all evil, and constantly follow God. Even liberals (and conservatives) understand that Hollywood is full of egomanaic, filth, unnecessary violence, and other wickedness.

I Won't Quit

2007 is almost over. Lately, there has been an increase of religious deception. One of the biggest religious decievers in the world is Rick Warren. Warren is not only a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, but he is align with the establishment. He constantly demonize religious conservatives as equivalent to jihadists. Also, Warren recently called churches to eliminate troublemakers. It isn't just about him. Paula White, TD Jakes, Creflo Dollar, etc. promote the prosperity gospel myth. The reality is that some of the most righteous men and women that ever lived were poor and despised by the crowd. One example was the prophet Elijah and even Jesus was poor. Jesus asked a person to give up all of his possessions. Do you think Paula and Creflo will give up their possessions to help others? They bascially believe that riches equal spiritual power from God which is blasphemeous. I don't think so. Deception is also present in Catholicism, Mormons, Buddhists, Hindus, and other false faiths. One type of person we should expose the most are hypocrites. These are the type of individuals who criticize conservative for citing religious expression, but won't have an iota of criticism of people decades ago using religious imagery as justification to fight to legitimate freedom in the 1960's. These are the type that demonize the Second Amendment. These hypocrites then go out an assail the virtues of the rest of the Bill of Rights except number 2. If they were really for all of the Bill of Rights, they wouldn't pick and choice which rights they love conveniently. I can't wait until 2008. It will a new year. Only God knows what the future will bring. 2008 might be just as wild as 2007. I'm not done writing. I'll do this for many years and decades to come. These words are protected by the First Amendment. I also believe in being an individual and rejecting occult Secret Societies. As for you, be an independent. You have a right to look at different perspectives and make up your own mind on issues.

By Timothy

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